Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just This Once?

About twenty years ago, before any of my children were old enough to attend school, I attended a homeschooling convention.  I learned many things there that applied to good parenting, which strengthened my determination to become an engaged mother.  One thing I heard has returned to haunt me, whether I am homeschooling or not -- mostly because I keep having to relearn it!

In speaking to new homeschooling parents, the presenter began by instructing us to make time and then protect it.  "People will expect that, since you are at home, you are available.  You have to think of this time as seriously as you would a full-time job," she said.  "They will say, 'You can do it; it's only once a month,' or 'It's just once a week,' and pretty soon, your time is gone.  Once a, once a, once a...!  And your time is gone!"

Mothering, especially when she has taken on the education of her children, requires a woman's full attention.  I have recently been reminded of how quickly doing a little errand here or there, or chatting on the telephone or shopping online erodes my time with my children.

None of us can do everything, but we can do what we need to to have peace.  I have to consciously schedule in what is most important and let the rest fall into place or drop away.  And that means guarding so the exception to my rule doesn't become the rule!

Photo courtesy of sxc.hu.